Blue Fred

We're not talking aboout Fred Weasley after the green girls have gotten through with him,

Blue Fred is a goblin-like, blue-skinned creature who serves as Elminster’s major domo. He tends to be cranky, ill-tempered, and bad-mannered, but that’s to be expected given the bizarre array of guests from many worlds that Elminster expects him to entertain and clean up after.

Fred’s short stature and his position as a servant cause many to underestimate him, but Fred’s knowledge of otherworldly technology and his powerful psionic abilities make him a force to be reckoned with. Plus, he always makes sure to have back-up copies of the incriminating photographs.

Despite his occasionally shady business dealings and lapses in judgment, Elminster finds him far too useful to let him go.

In between his many duties, Fred finds time for the occasion scholarly pursuit, such as his recent research into the effects of Cannabis sativa on orcs.

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